Education & Educators
Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre has an excellent, dedicated team of passionate and long term educators. Our educators are specialists in providing care and education to children.
We take pride in the length of service of our educators retention. They are all qualified accordingly as Cert III, Diploma and ECT (Early Childhood Teacher). Our Preschool staff have double degress in Early Childhood Teaching & Primary School Teaching. All our staff are extremely passionate and caring and have a very strong work ethic based on the centre being a true Early Learning Centre and Not a baby sitting service.

Our educators will be actively engaged, interacting with individual and small groups of children in their play experiences, intentionally teaching, observing children at play, preparing the learning environment, talking with other adults, collecting resources and providing the children with quality learning environments that engage the children actively within their learning.
Our educators are deliberate, purposeful, and reflective in their planning, documenting and evaluating of children’s learning experiences that support the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
Transition To School
At Moore Park ELC we strive to provide an inclusive and stimulating environment to ensure all children develop the skills needed to prepare them to progress to Primary School. We provide experiences that encourage children to explore, make connections and resource their own learning. The children’s voices are important to us and therefore are incorporated into the learning that takes places allowing the children to become competent and confident learners.
School Readiness
To prepare the children for school we follow a school readiness programme that allows the children to progressively develop the skills and confidence needed on their learning journey and beyond. Children are provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of learning experiences and activities to develop their social, emotional physical and intellectual developments. We also incorporate six safety themes throughout the year including road safety, people safety, fire safety, sun safety and food safety (nutrition).

To help the children lay foundations for their literacy journey we follow the Prelit programme. This engaging programme focuses on phonological awareness and oral language development through structuring the reading of storybooks.
Similarly, our numeracy practises are guided by the Singapore Maths programme that focuses on building problem solving skills which is built many aspects of our learning.
Our goal is to ensure that children graduate from Preschool fully prepared and confident in taking their next educational step.
Individual Journals
The Individual Journals are a journey of your child’s life at Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre showing skills developed over time, telling stories ofJournal play situations and highlighting interactions and friendships being made. The Individual Journals are a record of your child’s interests, likes, and other events or activities whilst in care.
These journals are used to plan experiences and make appropriate provisions to meet and extend upon the individual needs and interests of your child.

At Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre we practice The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre engages the children to learn through the environment and play-based experiences and along the way this will help meet and develop important milestones.
As the EYLF argues, play provides an important ‘context for learning’ where children are able to explore ideas, solve problems, make connections and engage with others (DEEWR, 2009, p. 9). Play-based learning plays a crucial role in the development of literacy and numeracy.
The children at Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre are exposed to literacy and numeracy learning through hands-on, practical and play-based experiences, such as when children are engaged in shop play in the home corner, they are using play money and a cash register, which enables them to engage with counting, addition, subtraction and various other mathematical concepts.
Similarly, when children have an interest in cooking and pretend to read and write out recipes, they are developing many vital aspects of literacy, specifically pre-reading and writing skills. Children are also learning to understand the functions of print as well as directionality of print as they write from left to right.
Children love to play, learn and explore and at Moore Park Children’s Early Learning Centre our educators create learning environments where the children are encouraged to grow and develop in areas of development creating opportunities for children to enhance their social, language, physical and creative skills. We take pride in providing an environment, which provides a home away from home by providing opportunities for parents and educators to work together and enhance a child’s learning and well-being.